Honestly, this class has total sweetness vibes. Join me for 45 minutes of all-levels yoga practice in the style I call YinYasa: a fluid pulsation between dynamic flow and moments of stillness in a few Yin poses. The flow itself is not overly vigorous, just enough to generate some gentle heat, light strength, and mobility in the hips. Healthy hips means being able to move them in all directions, and in this class we explore just that. Thematically, the focus is on learning to soften our doubtful mind and build trust in ourselves, in our own unique processes, and in our practice of yoga. Meditation at the beginning and Savasana at the end is included. You will want two yoga blocks and a pillow or bolster for practice.

Here is a full two-hour workshop where we dive deep into the practice of balancing on your hands! We focus on low-to-the-ground arm balancing, finding potency and power while staying close to the earth. Whether you are brand new to hand balancing or are trying to advance your practice, this workshop will be very useful for you! The first 15 minutes or so of the workshop is unpacking all the elements we need to prepare for arm balancing, not just physically but also mentally. We then get into a little breathwork, a warmup, and a full body Vinyasa flow in preparation to balance on your hands.

Once we get into hand balancing, we explore the following poses: Crow (Bakasana), Side Crow (Parsva Bakasana), L-Sit, Elephant Trunk (Eka Hasta Bhujasana), Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana), and Flying Splits (Eka Pada Koundinyasana II).

I mention this in the class: but this is a strong practice that requires stamina. You can stop the video at any time that you feel you have had enough and go to the cool down starting at 1:42:55. You can always come back to the workshop and do a little more next time :) While it is a strong practice, it is most levels friendly. I'm here to show you that with the correct preparations, mindset, and modification variations: balancing on your hands can be more within reach than you may think!

Chaturanga is a pose we often zip through in Vinyasa Flow classes, and we rarely dive into the mechanics of what is really going on. Honestly, this is a pose I see even my advanced students struggling through: but it doesn't have to be that way! Join me for this short class where I break down the preparations, alignment, and considerations to make when practicing Chaturanga Dandasana. I also talk a bit about developing discernment around when it is a good time to keep practicing this pose, and when it might be a good time to pause your Chaturanga ritual. As always, I offer accessible modifications to help you meet your body where it is at.

Join me for this short video where I break down the preparations, alignment, and considerations to get into the arm balance posture Vashistasana, better known as Side Plank! We take the time to build it from the ground up, and I offer modifications that can help make the pose feel more accessible while maintaining the powerful energy of the pose. Tutorials are of course great for if you are trying to learn a pose for the first time, but also quite useful in refining postures that you more comfortable with.

Just like the title suggests, this class is for those days when you need to take it easy but are craving full body opening. Sometimes when the body is fatigued, sore and achey: backing off is much more fruitful than pushing too aggressively. In this class you can enjoy simple stretches that open the whole body in a very respectful way while staying low towards the ground. No flow, no fuss, all levels friendly. Two blocks will be very beneficial. There will be one opportunity to use a foam roller or massage ball and a yoga strap - with options provided to enjoy the pose without those props. Of course this is good for times of tiredness and soreness, but I also think it is especially good for times of burnout or stress to approach practice in this way.

This is a juicy, warming, and challenging vinyasa flow class where we focus on growing into some expansive backbend shapes. Philosophically speaking, we tap into the dynamic and creative power of Shakti. You can expect challenging transitions between postures, and even though the focus is backbending the whole body will get opened up and strengthened. Intermediate-advanced level, playful practice.

This is a full-length workshop where we dive deep into the energies of the beloved yogic goddess, Durga! In this workshop you can expect to gain an understanding of the archetypal energies of the great warrioress goddess of protection and love through storytelling, mudra, mantra, all levels flow practice, and a little bit of gentle breathwork and meditation/rest. This is a rich, juicy dive into some of my favorite aspects of the tradition of yoga. Take this workshop when you are feeling the need to call on protection, support, a renewed sense of trust in love against all odds, and to remember your power to make this world a better place.

Other Details + Resources For You