Whether you are newer to yoga or an experienced practitioner, having specific poses broken down can significantly elevate your practice. Enjoy this wide and growing range of pose tutorials from foundational to advanced.
Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing a long time, this is a useful and dare I say important class! What IS the difference between cobra and upward facing dog, anyway?? These two poses are some of the most common poses put into flow classes, but rarely are they broken down in detail. Enjoy this short (7 minutes only) class where I break down the differences, safety, biomechanics, and ways to make these poses adjustable for different bodies.
Chaturanga is a pose we often zip through in Vinyasa Flow classes, and we rarely dive into the mechanics of what is really going on. Honestly, this is a pose I see even my advanced students struggling through: but it doesn't have to be that way! Join me for this short class where I break down the preparations, alignment, and considerations to make when practicing Chaturanga Dandasana. I also talk a bit about developing discernment around when it is a good time to keep practicing this pose, and when it might be a good time to pause your Chaturanga ritual. As always, I offer accessible modifications to help you meet your body where it is at.
This is a quick, 5 minute tutorial breaking down the alignment, engagement, and benefits of Utkatasana. This pose is a huge gateway posture to other strong postures in the practice of yoga.
In this short video I break down the benefits, contraindications, and preparations required to enter the expansive, heart-bursting shape Urdvha Dhanurasana, AKA Upward Facing Bow, AKA wheel pose! This is a shape taught in many classes, but rarely broken down to make learning it more accessible. This is one of my all time favorite postures with immense benefits for body and spirit.
Tune in to this ten minute tutorial to learn all about the preparations, benefits, alignment and variations of a beautiful standing balance called Ardha Chandrasana, also known as Half Moon Pose.
Here’s another specific pose tutorial for y’all, working towards Hanumanasana (better known as the Splits or Monkey King Pose). This is such a potent posture to work towards, even if you never go for the “full split” shape. Tune in for this quick run-down of prep, cautions, and practices to work toward this pose.
Here’s another quick pose tutorial for y’all, bringing you my favorite upside-down shape: Pincha! In this short video I break down what’s needed to prepare for this shape, contraindications, and we also explore this strong pose physically together.
In this 13 minute video, I break down a very common posture called Trikonasana, also known as Triangle Pose. Tune in to learn all about the benefits, cautions, alignment, and possible modifications of this posture. The last bit of the video is a more core-focused offering with the pose, so if you are more after basic form I’d say skip that part and end a few minutes earlier :). Enjoy!
In this 8 minute tutorial, I demonstrate how to safely enter and exit the deep hip opener called Padmasana, also known as Lotus pose. I also spend some time explaining cautions to take when practicing this asana, as well as fun possibilities to integrate this hip opener into other postures.
This is a quick tutorial breaking down Sirsasana, also known as Headstand. We take a few moments to talk about the preparations, precautions, and foundational alignment to keep in mind when practicing this inversion.
The infamous Ashtanga move: the Jump through! This is a movement that can feel mysterious and impossible when you are first learning it. But dedicated practice proves that your body is capable of learning incredible things! Tune in to this short tutorial for some good tips when learning this movement.
Join me for this short video where I break down the preparations, alignment, and considerations to get into the arm balance posture Vashistasana, better known as Side Plank! We take the time to build it from the ground up, and I offer modifications that can help make the pose feel more accessible while maintaining the powerful energy of the pose.
This is a quick, 16 minute breakdown of Sun Salutations, also known as Surya Namaskaras. This tutorial is especially useful if you are newer to the practices of yoga, as Sun Salutations are used in almost every yoga class. Having a solid understanding of these sequences can really open up the gateway to a deeper yoga practice.
I know we are all very familiar with sun salutations, but have you ever done a moon salutation? Chandra Namaskar, or moon salutation, is a series of yoga asanas (poses) we practice with the breath to bathe in sweet, lunar energy. Great for if you are feeling anxious, tired, maybe a bit overworked. Lovely for any time you want to slow down a bit while still getting a nice stretch in, or for when you want to connect to softer energy. Enjoy this short and sweet practice on days you are short on time, or repeat the flow as many times as you like. Also works as a cool down after other strong embodiment practice.
Ever wondered how the heck you are supposed to keep your yoga mat clean, or how often you should clean it? Tune in to this short, practical tutorial on the do's and don'ts of taking care of your precious yoga mat. Taking good care of your mat and practice space is important for the longevity of your mat, as well as your health.