If you are a lover of balancing on your hands, or have been wanting to learn how to go upside down, this page is for you! I have a variety of classes breaking down and working towards some of these super fun yoga poses that bring us towards flight.


Welcome to my new program: Journey to Handstand! In this video I explain what you can expect out of this ongoing series. This is not your typical handstand program: I am going to take you deep into every corner of preparation you can imagine for this inversion, and hopefully show you that it really is just about enjoying the ride. If you are taking the program, please don't skip this video over. Grab a cup of coffee and tune in to just 6 minutes of me introducing this program I am so excited to bring to you.

***If you want to dive into the full Journey to Handstand program, go here. On this page I only include the intro and the classes that we actually invert in.

We have made it to our first full flow class of the Journey to Handstand series! In this class we are piecing together everything we have learned so far in this first 4 classes in a strong, heat-generating power Vinyasa style class. I introduce a few new things like playing with crow pose and our first flirt towards the possibility of maybe hopping up... maybe. While moments are quite strong and a bit quick & spicy, others are a bit more moderate and slow in pace. I'd call it somewhere around intermediate level - so it is definitely more accessible than my advanced power Vinyasa classes. You will need some props for this class: 2 yoga blocks, a yoga strap or strong belt, a tightly rolled blanket, knee padding, and a wall.

In this class we are finally starting to stand on our hands! You can expect a short but very effective class: we start with a quick little warmup and get into drills that eventually lead to walking our way up the wall towards L-stand variations of handstand. No jumping, but we certainly get strong. The only prop you need is a steady wall. We do have a sweet visit from the drama king himself in this class: Dante the cat - or more like the lion, you will see he's gotten so big! Last thing to mention: in this class I start out wearing socks, and I quickly realize that was a silly choice. Save yourself the trouble and do this class barefoot.

In this stage of the handstand journey, we are starting to incorporate a bit more of a cardiovascular-element along with our strength. Please do a short warmup before you start this class because I get right into it with various drills that incorporate planks, crow poses, fierce poses, functional core work, upper body strength, hopping, and eventually exploring donkey kicks and tuck jumps into a possible handstand. You will need a steady wall for this class. Let's be kind to ourselves, courageous, and open to new things being possible as we move along our journey to handstand.

Join me for this fast paced power vinyasa to burn through excess energy in the body. I labeled it as intermediate, but if you are an “experienced beginner” you could also be ready for the practice. I mainly just wanted it to be clear this isn’t quite a level 1 friendly practice. Moving quickly through simple yet strong movement patterns like this his flow provides is a great way to get out of the head and into the body. You will want a couple of yoga blocks and possibly a stable wall for practice.

Like the title says, this is certainly a FIRE practice! It's an extended practice, almost like a mini workshop. In this class, I offer you the opportunity to throw yourself into the fires of transformation - while at the same time honoring yourself as lovable and whole just the way you are. We do not only find heated transformation through the physical burn, but also through mindset and internal exploration. This is the first of many classes I plan to bring you around my love of Tantric philosophy, and how we can explore it in our practice. The first 15 minutes or so of class starts slow with some chit-chat from me around the paradox of self embrace and welcoming transformation, sharing a verse from the Radiance Sutras, conscious breathing, and rolling out muscle tension using a blanket or foam roller. But after that, the remaining 55 minutes of class is a very physically strong practice where the whole body gets opening and strengthening as we work towards some challenging, fun and humbling arm balances. Opportunity to explore handstand at the wall is also sprinkled in. You will need two yoga blocks, and a foam roller or a blanket for this class.

I’ve been getting more requests lately for challenging vinyasa yoga classes, and this one certainly delivers with the challenge. Join me for a full hour of past paced and strong flow where the whole body gets some attention, but special emphasis is on hip and heart opening. You can expect a bit of everything asana-wise: standing / balance, plank and side plank variations, deep flexibility, arm balancing, and big backbends. This class felt soulful for me, even though it was a very physically focused practice. Intermediate - advanced level.

This class is a fluid blend of strength and stretch. We build up a flowy vinyasa sequence where we prioritize finding rhythm in the breath. I’d consider it an all levels class especially in the first half. The second half of class builds up towards some intermediate opportunities in pose expressions. As always, listen to your body and modify as you need. I found this sequence to be really dynamic, fun, and exploratory for the whole body and spirit. I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

This vinyasa is a deep, full body expansion with lots of strength to boot. Join me for this rich and very complete feeling flow where we contemplate ideas of awareness, consciousness, and celebration within challenging postures. Keep a sense of humor by your side as you explore arm balances (and/or falling over), and one of my favorite deep flexibility poses: Surya Yantrasana. This is not all levels friendly, more for my intermediate-advanced friends. Meditation and Savasana included in the class.

This class is definitely something different than usual. This was a self-practice I recorded about a year ago, and I never intended to make a class out of it. But I realized, this could be a fun opportunity for my more “advanced” asana students to play! This is a short but very strong practice where we get to explore inversions, arm balances, deep flexibility, and backbends within a kind of weird and intuitive flow. I really do not cue much in the way of teaching you how to do these strong poses - but I have tons of other classes and pose tutorials for that! Since it is from a self-practice, you know... maybe it's not as polished as a typical class. Maybe I forgot to take the bind on one side of the lunge. But dang, it is a FUN class if you like getting upside down, playing on your hands, and bending backwards. If you wanna wiggle with me in all the ways, join me for this quick and dirty class. The only prop you’ll need is a wall.

This is a vinyasa practice where we explore some juicy movements that prioritize both strength and flexibility. Physically we work towards an arm balance called Eka Hasta Bhujasana, also known as Elephant Trunk Pose. We use blocks and cyclical movements in a fluid and steadily quick pace to open and tone the hips, legs, shoulders, and core, with breaks to catch our breath. We harness the power of Ganesha to remind ourselves to get out of our own way and find play within the work, ease within the effort. Let's play!

Tapas is all about cultivating and honoring the fire dwelling within you. This is a strong and somewhat physically demanding class, although: if you are into meeting your edge, classes like this feel absolutely delicious. Class begins with a short chat around the philosophy behind Tapas and a brief breathing meditation. The majority of class is heat building Vinyasa to strengthen and stretch most major areas of the body, and to help purify anything in the mind that is ready to be burned through.

Since summertime is such a busy time of year, I’ve been enjoying the opportunity to make these condensed yet complete practices for you all. Join me for 15 minutes of fast-paced, playful yoga flowing where we work towards a few fun forearm supported postures. Definitely a level 2/3 practice.

Here’s another quick pose tutorial for y’all, bringing you my favorite upside-down shape: Pincha! In this short video I break down what’s needed to prepare for this shape, contraindications, and we also explore this strong pose physically together.

This is a quick tutorial breaking down Sirsasana, also known as Headstand. We take a few moments to talk about the preparations, precautions, and foundational alignment to keep in mind when practicing this inversion.

This is a strong, playful, & fun little video where I demonstrate a few ways to hop into Adho Mukha Vrksasana, AKA Handstand! There is no need to be a handstand expert to enjoy this class, feel free to go to the wall. Works up a nice bit of cardio and blissful energy.

This is a super fast, strong, cardiovascualr HIIT workout. It’s a fusion between yoga and interval training. Great for when you’re short on time. One warning: the music during class is not appropriate for all ages as, I just wanted to play some bumpin’ tunes by one of my favorite artists (Princess Nokia) to get us PUMPED for the day! Let’s get strong!

The bridge between strength and flexibility is mobility! Explore new ranges of movement, work your hips and core region, and connect the aspects of both stability and freedom in the process. Class is playful, challenging, and great if you’re short on time!

One of our favorite guest teachers, Rosie, is back with a 30 minute strong and stretchy treat! Vasisthasana or Side Plank Split, is a balance of extremes dialing into the space of stability and freedom. Working up towards this powerful arm balance will guide you through lower body activation, upper body stabilizing, mirroring postures for grounded foundations, and building up the challenge for a playful practice. Expand in all ways with a strong sense of balance! Intermediate level practice.

This class is definitely geared towards more advanced practitioners as we move quickly with the breath through lots of arm balances, core work, and full body vigor. I don’t break down much alignment here as this practice is really to help a get out of our head and into our breathing body. Great for flushing anxiety or pent up energy. We do close with some nice stretches and a Savasana as well as a mantra.

Welcome to Fluid Strength: a slow flow practice designed to help you access strength in a fluid way within your body and spirit! This is an all levels practice, somewhat of a full body maintenance flow in terms of strengthening and accessing mobility throughout the system. You could certainly modify the moves up if you’re more advanced, as well as take my offerings to lower the knees or modify down as you need.

This one is for all my fierce strength-seekers to kick off the new year in a powerful way. I’d call it an intermediate level practice because it’s super strong and fast paced, but we get our blood pumping without any inversions. This was a super fun sequence to plan and embody, join me in starting this new cycle off in ecstatic, sweaty, full-body playtime!

Another 40 min hip opening flow, but this one is more in the range of intermediate-advanced as we move pretty quickly in to various forms of Padmasana, also known as Lotus Pose! We squeeze in seated, standing balance, inverted, and arm balanced versions of this asana within energetic flows as well as moments of stillness.

Like the title says, this is certainly a challenging workout - but even still, I'd still call it all levels friendly! Join me for an efficient 40 minute fusion movement session. I start class out with a short and sweet sun salutation based warmup, then we quickly move into a variety of movement styles to get the whole body feeling strong and energized! I pack in a punch with moves that are based in weight training, Pilates, Yoga, and general bodyweight training. You can decide if this is more like HIIT if you move as quickly (or faster) than me, or you can make it more moderate intensity by slowing the reps down. I close class with a proper cool down. I left this practice feeling clear and ready for the coming day, and I hope you do too! For class you will need: one yoga block, some dumbbells, a stable wall, a blanket (rolled up).

*This class is on this page because at the end there is an opportunity to go upside down. But it isn't really a proper "yoga class"

If you didn’t know this about me, my first love of yoga was a practice called Ashtanga Yoga. While my studies have shifted over time to a different yoga style, these practices are still very dear to my heart. In this 43 minute class, I give you a small taste of what parts of the Ashtanga Primary Series has to offer in an accessible way. Ashtanga yoga is, by nature, quite strong and focused on linking breath and movement. It can be very meditative in this way. If you enjoy this sequence, I will make a full Primary Series video for y’all soon to experience the magic even more.

As the title mentions, this is a mixed levels class. Mixed levels means that there are opportunities for both more and less experienced practitioners. We moderately strengthen and open most of the body as we contemplate the role of inspiration in our practice, and I try to leave more space than usual for you to focus on your own intentions, breath, and practice.

It can be so easy to get too serious in our yoga practices, and to take ourselves too seriously within them. This practice is focused around finding the joy and the play in your practice as a source of inspiration to keep showing up! We move pretty quickly through some flows that include standing poses, standing balance, backbends, arm balancing, and full body activation. I’d call this an intermediate sequence. Savasana included at the end. Enjoy!

Here's a nice full Vinyasa flow where we physically focus on opening up through two commonly tight areas of the body, the hips and the heart. We contemplate opening ourselves up to the changes occurring in life, and how to bring changes we need in. Most of the practice is all levels friendly, with a few opportunities to deepen for intermediate practitioners.

This class is a slow flow, but don’t let that name fool you as slow does not always mean easy! We move more slowly so we can fully receive the benefits of each shape and transition. We mindfully work towards an arm balance called Bhujapidasana, which is a posture that has greatly helped me heal my hamstrings. If arm balances aren’t your thing, there’s plenty of other excellent full body strengthening and lengthening throughout the class and lots of stops along the way for all levels.

This class is a strong, playful practice where we definitely get our cardio up a bit. Join me for 45 minutes of sweaty, liberating Vinyasa yoga and strong drill work towards handstand! Handstand can sound intimidating for many, but it really is something that you can start working on, right where you are. I would consider this class intermediate not because of the handstands actually - but more because the Vinyasa portion of practice is quite fast paced and it would be helpful to be somewhat familiar with yoga basics first. Personally, I had to take months off of my handstand practice, so if you take this class you can join me in honestly re-learning this shape, or learning it for the first time. This is the first of multiple handstand-related classes to come.

While the image of this class is a headstand, know that you really do not need to be able to do a headstand to take this class! This is a strong vinyasa flow - upper intermediate leaning towards advanced, and kind of feels more like power vinyasa than straight up vinyasa. This is from my own personal practice, with a voiceover added on top. We move very quickly in and out of strong standing, standing balance, arm balances, inversions, side planks, backbends... you name it, we go there, as we work our way towards a big standing balance pose called Bird of Paradise. Always listen to your body, take breaks, and maybe you will want to take this class a few times for it to feel more fluid.

In this 48 minute advanced practice, we contemplate the symbolism of the firefly as we build towards a big arm balance posture called Tittibhasana (which, yes, translates to firefly!). It’s a fast, strong, and super fun practice. Full body work: arm balance, standing balance, inversions, flexibility, core, all the goodies! We start with a mini Pranayama session and I leave you at the end to enjoy Savasana on your own. This class was a real pleasure, and is a little gift for one of our strong members, Kia, as she just had her birthday!

This is a really fun, strong, bendy, and fluid vinyasa yoga flow. Suitable for my intermediate friends as we work up some heat and move pretty organically between shapes. The first half of class is a full-body exploration, but the second half turns into an expansive backbending practice. Join me in embodying the magic of water and fire!

In this class we are continuing along with our Yoga with the Elements series as we blaze into the element of Fire. Join me for this strong and heat-generating practice to cultivate the element of passion, discipline, confidence, power, purification, and transformation. This is definitely level 2-3, especially due to the pacing of practice. You can expect to hit most major pose groups, with an emphasis on twisting and functional core work to fire up the solar plexus. Two blocks will be handy for this practice. Last thing: you will hear in my voice and even see in the lymph nodes in my neck: I am still a little swollen and stuffy from my recent cold I had, so thanks for bearing with me there :)

Y'all, I got a fun one for you today! Join me for an hour of challenging power vinyasa practice with a focus on squeezing in as many forms of side plank pose as we can, including the big backbend side plank and Visvamitrasana: "friend of the universe" pose. This is definitely an advanced practice in terms of quick pace, vigorous strength, deep flexibility, and the way in which I cue postures. You might want yoga blocks, a yoga strap, and maybe some knee padding. While this isn't a new years special class, I filmed it at the end of the year - on the last full moon - and it can be a sweet note to end the year on and welcome in a sense of play as we turn the calendar over to 2025.

This is a unique class in flavor and feel, and it left my body feeling delicious, open, and warm. Practice starts with foam rolling, and it really is worth doing that portion of class as it increases our body's ability to open in flow. If you don't have a foam roller, the flow starts around the 12:47 mark. The flow itself is intuitive, fluid, gets the whole body more flexible and strong. In pace it hovers somewhere between slow flow and Vinyasa. All levels friendly, with an opportunity to invert towards the end of practice for those who like going upside down! You may want two yoga blocks, knee padding, and access to a wall if you are wanting to invert. Class ends with some quiet time in Savasana accompanied by some clips from a snowy walk I took for ambient vibes.

In this hour long Vinyasa flow, we embody the strong, stable, and freeing energy of Garuda: the Eagle. We do a bit of mudra, conscious breathing, loooots of creative Eagle leg & arm variations, inversions (handstand and headstand), arm balances, standing balance, twisting, and conclude with a mini 1 min savasana at the end. Definitely a stronger and faster paced practice, probably closer to advanced, but can easily be modified to meet a more intermediate practitioner. I’d say probably not a class for true beginners. Save for your days with high energy and for when you are ready to playfully sweat it out!

This is honestly one of the most fun and playful classes I’ve taught in a while, and it left me in a state of total bliss and gratitude. We get moving pretty quickly and rigorously through strong standing poses, lots of forearm and core strengthening, and even some inversion practice. We close with a Savasana as well. I would call this class intermediate-advanced because of the fast pace, strong moves, and less instruction on alignment of basic forms. Some of the combinations are a nice challenge for the mind as well as the body. As always, modify to meet your needs and have fun!

This one is made for my strong practitioners, and is definitely not an all levels practice! I’d call it intermediate-advanced as we move pretty fluidly through strong shapes like standing poses, side planks, big heart openers, and a couple inversion opportunities. Focus is on heart opening, but the whole body gets opened and strengthened in preparation for these backbending shapes. Enjoy this mandala flow!

This class was SO much fun to film! I would not recommend for my level 1 friends as we move fairly quickly between postures that are challenging in strength, flexibility, and balance. We strengthen through the lower body, open through the hips big time, rinse the shoulders, and decompress the spine. Contemplation is all around the power flowers hold and how we can embody that with loving compassion towards ourselves. No arm balances or inversions.

Inspired by a recent trip to the sea, this class is asking us how we can hold a soft power like the ocean. How can we be strong without being tense? How can we be powerful, yet adaptable, fluid, and not rigid? We explore deep flexibility and grounding strength throughout the body, in this oceanic Vinyasa flow. In the recording, I say it is a most levels class, but I realize I think it is more intermediate territory after filming it. I don't offer many modifications, so please feel free to modify as you need to and make this flow work for YOUR body. I do offer modifications in many of my all levels classes, and the beauty of practicing a lot over time is you an learn how to adapt and tailor your practice to your needs - even when I don't cue you to. There is an opportunity at the end for some big flexibility shapes and an arm balance, but before that final big sequence I do give the option to stop the video as the practice is complete without that. You might want a yoga strap, yoga blocks, and knee padding for practice.

Another strong, powerful, playful, advanced yoga session for y’all today. Contemplation around one of my favorite teachings from the Bhagavad Gita. Expect to get strong, sweaty, and stretchy in this 50 min flow. The video quality is a little fuzzy, but it felt worth keeping because the sequence felt so goood.

About a full hour of fast paced, creative, and playful vinyasa flow. I’d consider it an advanced practice. We work towards big shapes like Surya Yantrasana and Ashtavakrasana.

This is a full spectrum, challenging Vinyasa yoga class to help us access the emotion of anger and to let it move through us in a healthy way. There is such a need for healthy channels to feel challenging emotions like anger. As it is full spectrum, you can expect every pose family to be touched on as we explore both strength and flexibility. Not beginner friendly, but if you have some experience with yoga you will find something in this class that is good for you. We do build towards Hanumanasana practice and there are opportunities for handstand lovers to go upside down. I will even say, it's one of my favorite classes I have filmed in a while. I hope this serves you well.

The first few words got cut out of this video during the upload, but luckily you don’t miss anything important so the class could be kept! Just might be a little bit abrupt at the beginning. This is a very strong, intermediate-advanced power yoga practice. We pack in a lot of strong shapes like side plank, handstand, forearm stand, crow, and full splits: but still with a slow and steady consciousness of the pace of the flow. Expect to sweat!

Another full hour of more advanced yoga practice. All advanced really means is that we take less time to break down alignment of basic postures and move much more quickly, assuming the student has a general understanding of basic shapes. The focus of this class is on deep leg and hip flexibility, plus a good amount of arm balance play time. Expect to sweat and get a little cardio in!

As the title suggests, this is an advanced class where we reach towards challenging poses of all varieties: standing balance, flexibility, core, backbends, deep twists, and arm balance. We work towards a big twisting arm balance called Eka Pada Koundinyasana, but even if you don't "land" that pose, there is a lot to gain from this class. Thematically the focus is on feeling fully alive, and allowing our practice to be a celebration of that. While this practice is certainly not easy, it is a lot of fun. You will need two yoga blocks for this class.

This class is designed to give you some quiet time for yourself during the hustle-bustle of the holiday season, or for any time you need to carve out some time for you. Class is slow and juicy, and we work towards some very deep flexibility postures: pigeon, frog, twisting wide fold, fire log, and sun dial are some highlights. There is also a cute arm balance opportunity towards the end. After a 5-minute or so introduction, I intentionally give a lot less cues and chatter in this class to leave space for you to really be in your own quiet energy as a way to recover from some of the over-stimulation in the outside world. Most levels friendly, but with less alignment offered maybe not level 1. You will need a strap, one or two yoga blocks, and maybe knee padding. Join me for active stretch in peace and quiet.

Super fun, strong, playful and sweaty practice working towards hollowback forearm balance. I’d considerate it upper intermediate-advanced. In class, we investigate our own inner wild nature as a source of joy.

I wanted to film one more long, juicy, deep vinyasa yoga class for you before the year ended. Join me for just over an hour of all levels, yet challenging yoga. I like to remind my students, all levels does not always mean easy! Although, it does mean there are options to modify up or down in your own practice. I demonstrate options for easing up or intensifying many of the poses in class. Certainly a strengthening practice for the whole body, but we also get real open in the shoulders, hips, and spine. Let's warm up our cold winter bones!

This is a very strong class full of powerful transitions and shapes like arm balances, inversions, backbends, and standing postures. We cultivate ourselves as a personal powerhouse, while simultaneously remembering to not contract too much so we can stay open to the love the world has to offer us. Strong yet expansive, definitely geared more towards the advanced/intermediate practitioner. We start with conscious breathing and close with a proper savasana. One of my favorite creative vinyasas in a while!

This is a full Vinyasa class including personal storytelling, intention setting, breathwork, physical flow, and savasana. This is a class takes a mixed levels approach, maybe most suitable for my intermediate friends. But with opportunities to both modify down or intensify up, it really can be good for most practitioners who know how to listen to their body. We move slowly, but we keep it strong through standing and seated postures. The physical focus of this practice is opening up through the legs in deeply integrated flexibility postures. Take this hour to look inside and connect with the values that guide you through your life, on and off the mat.

This vinyasa is a deep, full body expansion with lots of strength to boot. Join me for this rich and very complete feeling flow where we contemplate ideas of awareness, consciousness, and celebration within challenging postures. Keep a sense of humor by your side as you explore arm balances (and/or falling over), and one of my favorite deep flexibility poses: Surya Yantrasana. This is not all levels friendly, more for my intermediate-advanced friends. Meditation and Savasana included in the class.

Are you trying to rebuild strength and endurance in your yoga practice? Me too! Join me for this full spectrum class where we hit on a little bit of everything in a spicy, fast paced flow. In the class itself I talk about how class is mixed levels - but having done it now I’d say it’s more like level 2 and upwards. I do offer breaks throughout this strong class to catch breath and ground energy. If you’re trying to work towards stronger yoga, or if you already practice stronger vinyasa, this is a great class for you. Remember: you can always modify and take breaks! Feeling challenged really is a part of yoga. We explore standing poses, twists, folds, back bends, core strength, inversions, and hip openers before enjoying a quiet Savasana together.

*You may want a wall you an kick up onto and a pillow or bolster for class.

This week I have a strong, super stretchy, cardiovascular, and sweaty practice for you all. Join me for just over an hour of playful power vinyasa where we focus on cultivating joy - which is actually a major tenant of yoga philosophy! As a fun way to shake things up, I have a student from the membership community, Angie, demonstrating the entire practice. This is a nice opportunity to hear my cues and adjustments from the perspective of another body. I'd consider this practice intermediate-advanced as it is pretty demanding on the whole body as we explore side body length, core strength, upper body strength and mobility, deep hamstring stretch, balancing on the legs and arm balance opportunities.

Lastly, this playlist could be nice to pop on after the seated meditation portion: manipura power vinyasa

In this class we contemplate how creativity is a practice we can cultivate, and we explore that through a playful, spontaneous, full-body vinyasa practice. I’d call it somewhere in the level 2/3 range. It is strong and fast paced yet also fluid and mindful.

I have a pretty delicious practice for my advanced asana lovers this week. In the video I say it’s intermediate at the beginning, but after watching it through I realized it is quite a challenging practice. It is actually a full personal practice of my own, that I decided to add a voiceover to. That being said, my practice is weird as you will see. We start with breathwork, myofascial release with a foam roller, and within the vinyasa we do some slow and juicy stuff and other fast challenging transitions. If you want to skip the foam rolling, go to about 10 minutes into the video to get straight into the flow.
Remember: If you don’t get every pose or transition it’s okay! This class is worth taking a few times over to get the hang of it. Class includes basically all pose families you can think of… twists, binds, arm balance, standing, backbends, deep flexibility. We end with a short Savasana, I encourage you take longer. I hope you enjoy this really different style of class.