Yin Yoga is truly the yoga of sweet surrender. Different from slow flow, Yin is about truly being still in poses for long periods of time. This page also includes classes that are more the “Vin-Yin” or “Yin-Yang” style, which are more fusion practices to get a little movement in with your Yin.


This week I’m bringing you a deliciously cozy, simple and concise class you can do right from the comfort of your bed. This short class is designed to be for either right before you go to sleep, or right after you wake up. Get cozy and refresh yourself with this handful of super accessible stretches. All levels welcome.

I have a very special practice for you today. With it currently being Hanukkah, I felt called to provide a practice that helps us tend to our own light within. Don’t let the holiday affiliation turn you away, you do not need to be religious at all to gain from this class! Physically we focus on conscious breathing within a handful of yummy yin postures to tend to our own energy, so we are able to shine brightly for those we love. Let’s be the light!

I am am so glad to be adding another Yoga Nidra class to the membership library. Yoga Nidra is closer to meditation than it is physical practice, but it is done lying down. In my own experience, Yoga Nidra is hands-down the most restorative, renewing, and replenishing yogic practice. Back when I had Long Covid, Yoga Nidra was my saving grace as I faced mountains of fatigue. Yoga Nidra is also great for anytime you are just generally tired, maybe a bit stressed, tense in the body, didn't get a good night of sleep, feeling ill, or any time you feel you just need to ground and be held by the earth. This particular practice is inspired by the healing energy of the Ocean. Get comfy and let yourself be washed clean in this guided rest.

Have you heard the buzz about Yoga Nidra (sometimes called Non Sleep Deep Rest)? Yoga Nidra has been practiced for thousands of years for its immense health benefits on the body and mind. Yoga Nidra is incredible for restoring our energy in an afternoon slump or after not sleeping so great, it's a potent tool to calm down when anxious, it's literally great for your brain and heart, it can help align your spine and ease upper and lower back pain, and it can help us access an increased sense of focus, presence, and energy for the rest of the day. Tune in to learn more and practice to see the benefits of this restoration for yourself.

This isn’t your typical yoga class! We don’t do any physical asana (poses), and instead opt for a more restorative approach. We start with gentle guided facial massage, do some alternate nostril breathing, and bathe in a mini meditation / savasana at the end. This class is so calming for the nervous system, and is great for any time you need to connect to YOU. Great for when recovering from injury and you can’t move but still want some embodiment. Great for when you just need to feel held. Whole class can be done seated, laying on the floor, or even laying in bed. Having some lavender or other calming essential oil would be helpful but isn’t totally required. Can’t recommend this one enough honestly.

This short practice is designed to help you unwind the monkey mind and get ready for some sweet dreams. All levels friendly, including level 1 and pregnant fiends (I do offer modifications for pregnancy in a couple poses). We do some conscious breathwork, a short journal exercise, and gently unwind physical tension for a good nights sleep. Grab your props and comfies and let’s get ready for bed!

Continuing our PPP class series, this is the first of more postpartum classes to come for the membership. This class is designed for when you are just starting or re-starting your yoga practice after giving birth (after your initial rest period). Of course, it is very important you clear any and all movement practices with your physician after giving birth. It goes without saying, but I am not a doctor and you listening to your body and your health care team is number one - the postpartum journey is unique for everyone. But this class is meant to gently open the areas of your body that get tight from all the physical demands, and exhale some of the stress from the mental demands, of being a new mother. All you need for class is a folded blanket and a yoga mat.

Yin yoga is always such a delicious treat. Join me for nearly half an hour of simple postures that will soften most major areas of the body. Since I was filming outdoors with beautiful chirping birds, I decided to keep my talking to a minimum. I only speak to get you in and out of postures, giving you sweet quietude, bird songs, and rain drops as you hold each shape so you can dive in as deep as you like. All levels welcome.

Chances are, you have some tension living in your neck, shoulders, and trapezius muscles that you are wanting to release! Most of us harbor tension in these areas of the body. Join me for just under 30 minutes of sweet, sweet release. You’ll want a block, blanket, and strap (or belt or scarf) for class. All levels friendly (yup, including level 1!)

Join me for a short, sweet and complete Vin Yin style class. This is designed for my level 1 friends, as we move slowly and mindfully as I offer accessible modifications through postures. The first half of class is a slow and simple vinyasa, and the second half of class provides a small handful of yummy yin poses to wind down. Enjoy this full body rinse!

Grab all your cushions and blankets and join me for this super nourishing yet compact Yin practice! Yin Yoga is an amazing healing practice and is geared towards allowing the fascia and the muscles to slowly open within longer pose holds. No heat generation, just sweet restoration. All levels welcome.

Even when you are short on time, you are worthy of taking some time and space for you. Join me for this short, sweet, yet very effective and grounding Yin yoga practice. The intention of this practice is to help you find some spaciousness in your body, your mind, your breath, and your spirit. If your life is feeling full, if your body is feeling contracted, if your brain is busy: give yourself the gift of space-making. The whole body gets some love here. You will need a wall and two yoga blocks. Optional: if you have two sand bags or two light weights, they can be helpful in one posture.

Welcome to the Air Element Week! After moving through some heaviness of some of the other elements, the element of air can offer us a refreshing quality of lightness, uplift, clarity, openness, and levity. Join me for this short and sweet practice where we really honor air as the ruler of our practice through pranayama (breathwork practice), a few yin poses, and a restful meditation or savasana of choice that I guide you into and hold some space for. The only props you really need are two yoga blocks, but you can always have more cozy props like a blanket or pillows for the yin vibes.

I have been really looking forward to bringing this class to the membership. This is our first proper Restorative Yoga class! In the first few minutes of this class, I spend a little time breaking down the differences between Restorative and Yin Yoga. Restorative Yoga is really how it sounds: it is a practice that is first and foremost about nervous system regulation. This time of year can be so hectic. Taking the time to slow down and carve out a little time for you is so important, not just for yourself, but so you can show up for family and friends with more love and from a more grounded place. We do some seated breathing and grounding, followed by just two gentle poses held for a whopping 8 minutes each. This class is absolutely all levels friendly. If you are pregnant, you can take this class but you'd need to prop yourself upright in a cozy seat instead of laying on your back. Even just teaching this class left me feeling so grounded and refreshed. I hope you enjoy.

You know those hot summer days where all you want to do is flop on the floor and barely exist? This yin yoga practice is just for that. Join me for half an hour of extremely relaxing, nourishing yin yoga where we learn to embrace laziness as something we deserve, something to celebrate, and something we honestly need sometimes. This class is all levels friendly. You will want a thick blanket (or a few), a pillow/bolster (or a few), and a yoga strap (or any belt). Two yoga blocks (or big books) would also be helpful, but a bit less essential than the other props.

Take the edge off in this rest-centered, grounded practice. For those who need to slow it down due to fatigue, feeling under the weather, or the assortment of life happenings in general this class is for you. Align breath, body, and healing stretches to release what’s tense and cultivate a little more spacious you time.

I am absolutely honored to present this class to you all. Meet Morgan, one of my dearest soul friends and favorite yoga teachers. Morgan teaches from a well of deep experiential knowledge, Indigenous wisdom, and from a sacred place in all of her classes. I hope you enjoy having a little something different with our first guest teacher appearance on the membership!

This is a super mellow, all-levels mini practice for taking care of our joints. Whether you are new to the practices of yoga and are very stiff, or are a well-seasoned practitioner who stands on your hands, you will definitely get some relief in the tension in and around your joints here. We work on allll the major joints: wrists, fingers, ankles, toes, hips, and shoulders. Little bit of self-leg massage, whole lot of time on the floor. This practice is safe for postpartum and for seniors! Just listen to your body and always modify when needed.

A short and sweet yin practice, great for days when your body needs a very nourishing release but you don't have a full hour of free time. Grab all the pillows and blankets you can get your hands on, your blocks, and meet me on your mat for some delicious and relaxing yoga.

Join me for just over half an hour of sweet, sweet RELEASE! Whether you are a beginner practitioner, advanced athlete, an office worker, a hard working parent, or anything else: I promise this class will benefit you. We all need to take the time to release the tension in our muscles in ways that stretching just can’t do, and this class teaches you how to do that. Also some contemplation around body acceptance: another reminder we could all use!

You will need either a foam roller, a massage ball, or a tennis ball for this practice.

Happy new year to my lovely yoga family! I am so grateful to have you here for another year with me. This is a super gentle and truly all-levels practice. We stay on the floor the whole class (so no standing poses at all). This is a great practice for needing to gently relieve some tension in the body, or if you’re healing a foot-related injury but still want to connect to breathing and body. We have a nice low-body self massage infused in the practice, and we conclude with a yummy Savasana.

Are you feeling tight in the low back and hips? Maybe a little stressed out, grumpy even? Struggling with PMS or having a menstrual cycle that's making you achy and tired? Whatever your specific reason, this class is great for coming back to a state of inner balance and finding your center. We ground down through some pranayama (breathwork) and do some stress and physical tension release in the pelvic area and low back through some Yin yoga postures. You will need a wall and a chair for practice, as well as a blanket. Two blocks are optional, but helpful if you have them.

Not gonna lie, this yin yoga class is one of the yummiest ones up on the membership yet! We spend the entire class lying on our backs in a subtle and soft heart opening shape, so even while we open the hips, the chest gets a nice expansion. Thematically, we focus on surrender, release, and softening for the body and the emotional landscape. This is a great class for times of burnout, stress, over excitement, sore muscles from strength training, pain or limitation in the body, those first tricky days of your menstrual cycle, for those with PCOS, heartbreak, and for any of us who could use a good release (which, honestly, I think might be all of us..!). Join me for this full body exhale.

Another uniquely styled practice where I offer a fusion of two of my favorite styles of yoga, Yin and Vinyasa! Different from a VinYin, we weave together Yin and Vinyasa in a fluid way. Think: activated yin. We flow a bit, and pause between flowing in yin-like holds. This is intended to be a nourishing practice for the whole body as well as the mind. You might want some yoga blocks, a blanket, and a cushion for class today. A strap might come in handy once as well but not required.

The New Moon is always an excellent opportunity to release whatever is binding within us. I filmed this class on the New Moon in Aries, and it’s pretty special to practice within this weekend, but it can be done during any time you need a release, no matter what lunar cycle it currently is. Simple, restorative postures for all levels softening. Grab your pillows and props and let’s chill!

Often when we are on a journey towards a goal or fighting for a cause we deeply care about, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves. This all levels practice is designed to help you restore, refresh, and renew so you can sustain your energy for the long haul. We do some conscious breathing, gentle floor stretches, and we close with a guided self facial massage. This class was made in partnership with NARAL, but my members get access as well :)

Needed for class: a folded blanket

Optional props: essential oil or face lotion, yoga blocks, pillow

In this almost 40 minute class, we move very slowly and consciously so we can greet the body in a kind and gentle way. This class is great for quite a few groups: women in their third trimester of pregnancy, those experiencing PCOS or intense menstrual cycle side effects, anyone feeling stressed out, anyone feeling really tight in the hips and chest, those feeling limited in mobility, or if you’re even just feeling generally fatigued. Join me for a slow and simple class where we focus on gentle expansion and sweet rest.

Today’s class is slow and conscious in pace as we explore beloved poses in a more accessible way using a chair as a prop. Join me for this gentle, full body stretch and deep breaths to feel a little more spacious in the coming day. All levels friendly. You might also want two blocks or thick books if you’re short like me, and maybe a strap for just one of the stretches.

These are heavy times that definitely require a profound pause. This class offers such a pause to process and heal both within and as a collective. We spend the first 15 minutes of class in a seat contemplating with breathing and mantra, then the rest of class is spent nourishing our bodies in a few yin postures. Below I have included the words to the two mantras if you would like to learn them yourself. Sending you all love. I am here for you.

Medicine Buddha Mantra:
Tayata Om Bhekandze
Bekhandze Maha Bhekandze
Randza Sumudgate Soha

May All Beings be Happy & Free Mantra:
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

This Yin class is simple, spacious, and lovely. Join me for 45 minutes of Yin Yoga where I start by reading you a poem I wrote to inspire a softer way of opening and carry you through some of my all time favorite Yin Yoga poses. We get most major areas of the body nice and open in under an hour. For class you will need: a thick blanket or towel to roll up, a couple of yoga blocks, and two massage balls or tennis balls. Optionally, you can have an additional softer blanket to cozy up in. *If you do not have massage balls, class could be done without, but they are really worth investing in if you have any kind of chronic aches and pains!

**The HD version of this class is still processing, but I wanted to get it to you today. When it is done processing, the visual and audio quality will dramatically increase! Thanks for your patience with weirdo technical difficulties.

This Yin yoga practice is geared towards times where we feel we could find more balance in body and centering in mind, but was specifically filmed during the Spring Equinox. This is a time of year where we can learn a whole lot from nature in the way of balance and centering. It's a pretty delicious yet simple rinse for most of the body. You will want some props for sure, which I describe in the beginning of the video. I filmed this class at my favorite yoga studio, Open Yoga! There is some slight background noise as it was a busy day in the studio, but honestly it's soft enough that when I listened back it didn't feel like an issue. But if you like, you can pop on one of my playlists on a different device to soften any distractions :) For me, oddly, some soft background noise can help me feel more grounded somehow. It reminds me I am in the real world. Enjoy this class, it's a goooooodie!

This class is focused around investigating the expansion available within subtle sensations in the body. Join me for 45 minutes of simple, sweet, and softening postures to find space in a different way. Super gentle practice, all levels friendly. Almost yin-like with some self massage and a propped up Savasana.

Even when there seems to be so much that is beyond our control in the world, there is a small pocket in our own hearts we are responsible for. Cultivating a peaceful world starts with ourselves, and how we treat those around us. Join me for just under an hour of intention setting, breathwork, and relaxing yin yoga poses to find peace within ourselves so we can share it with the world around us. This class helped me feel a lot more grounded even in light of devastating world news, and I hope it helps you too. Special emphasis on softening the hips, shoulders and spine. All levels.

This week I have something different for you: a slow and special ritual to come home to yourself. This is great for times of stress, times when you need to practice letting go, times when you are showing up a lot for others but maybe not quite enough for yourself, times when you are in need of some sweet self care. We access many of the limbs of yoga beyond asana as we do breathwork (pranayama), mudra (hand gestures), mantra (chanting), intention setting, some gentle asana (poses), abhyanga (self massage with oil), and dhyana (meditation). I have included the words to the mantra below in case you feel like learning it. Lastly, I filmed this during a wind storm! If the windy sounds bother you, you can pop on my Slower Days playlist.

Medicine Buddha Mantra:

tayatha om bekandze bekandze maha bekandze radza samudgate soha

We really take our time arriving in this almost hour-long yin yoga practice as we gather our props, set up a cozy space, and I dive into the importance of honoring the whole of our emotional landscape. We all feel sad sometimes, it is simply part of being human. The type of yoga I practice and teach celebrates all of our emotions as sacred, including sadness, grief, and overwhelm. Enjoy this slow, kind-on-the-body-and-mind release of the emotions through pyhsical release of the low back, hips/pelvis, side body, chest, and shoulders. Savor the space to fully feel, and bear witness to the healing that can happen in such a space.

For those of you who have taken class with Morgan, you know just how incredible she is at assisting us in sweet sweet release. Join her for just under an hour of yoga for nourishment at Morgan's slow and welcoming pace. Good for all levels, including level 1 friends.

In this class, I offer you one of my favorite styles of practice: Vin-Yin (sometimes referred to as Yin Yang). The first half of class is a Vinyasa style practice that is all levels friendly. We get dynamic and varied in movement to efficiently open up most major pathways of the body. After we get our wiggles out, the second half of class is mild, yummy, grounding yin yoga postures. The intention behind this class is to soften some of the hardening life can build up inside of us, and to find our inherent sweetness. And of course, dramatic Dante the kitty makes a star appearance.

As always, I aim to give most of the body a bit of opening in this Yin Yoga sequence. That said, I do give a bit of special attention to the areas of the body that help us expand our breathing capacity/reduce upper body tension: the chest, spine, belly, side body, shoulder blades. The hips and hammies do get some love too, though. We start out with some seated Pranayama, and then about halfway through our Yin poses we do a bit of gentle but juicy myofascial release with a blanket roll. This practice left me feeling light, refreshed, and spacious in the breath, body, and general sense of energy. You will need at least two yoga blocks and a thick blanket for practice. I hope you enjoy!

Oftentimes in my Yin classes, I offer a full body approach. In this class, however, we really focus in on all angles of the hips: the hip flexors and thighs, the outer glutes and hips, the inner thighs, and the low back all get lots of time to be breathed open. I offer some more gentle modifications, as well as very deep options for those who really want to dig into the hips. All levels friendly. You will want some props for class: two yoga blocks, a blanket or big towel, and a bolster or pillow or couch cushion.

Not gonna lie, this class felt absolutely delicious in my body and mind. Join me for an hour of investigation into the profound effect stillness can have on our muscles and our nervous system via Yin Yoga. Whether you are brand new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, there is lots to gain from this head to toe tension release. Complete with facial massage and a nice juicy Savasana. Grab all the props you got and let’s get cozy!

A full hour of ooey-gooey-yummy goodness! If you’ve never done yin yoga before: get ready for the chillest yoga of all. No flowing here, just holding postures for long periods of time to allow the muscles and the mind to soften. Put on your coziest clothes, grab as many pillows and blankets as you can get your hands on, and give yourself the treat of resting in your sweet breath.

This is a unique practice where we take a gentle yet juuuuicy approach to relieve tightness in the neck, shoulders, upper - mid spine, and chest. I also explain benefits of some of the poses for the health of our most vital organs: our heart and our lungs. Whether you have a tight upper back, tension headaches, suffer from anxiety, spend a lot of time hunched over, have asthma, have recently been sick, or have any desire to improve your heart or lung health: this class is for you. We start with pranayama (breath work), followed by a seated stretch portion, a few standing poses, yin poses, and a quiet Savasana. All levels friendly, including level 1. Grab a block and join me for this really nice practice.

This is such a *lush* class. The whole body gets a lot of love through this extended practice. The first half of class is a generally fast paced Vinyasa flow to move and build some internal heat, with everything from folds to backbends, standing balance to twists and more. The second half of class is cozy, delicious yin yoga to find ease and rest in a nice variety of seated and supine postures. We explore the yogic concept of moksha, or liberation, from the inside out. Class is complete with a mini meditation at the beginning, and Savasana at the end.