J O U R N A L + R E F L E C T I O N P R O M P T S

You can choose one, or as many prompts as you like below to get the reflective gears turning around the new moon. Feel no pressure to answer all of these questions - they are merely invitations, and to answer them all at once would probably be a bit much. I will be adding new prompts to this list periodically, so be sure to check back in from time to time.

  • Under the void of the new moon, we can relate to this feeling of emptying out, clearing out, and letting go. The ultimate new moon question is really what is read to be released? What is needing to be let go of? What is challenging for you about letting go, or perhaps what is relieving about this release?

  • In the newfound space of release, what are you calling in to take its place? We can only welcome in new beginnings once we have created room for the blessings we desire. What are you invoking in this fresh start of your life? New moons are the most powerful lunation to initiate new cycles within.

  • Within a new cycle or a new chapter you are creating under this new moon, what needs to change in your life to make it possible? Do some old habits need to go? Do you need to adopt a new practice, like meditation? If you want this chapter to be different: how are you going to make it so?

  • What forms of abundance are you ready to call in now?

  • Maybe a relationship in your life is need of some review. Are any changes needed in your relationships, with others or yourself?

  • Let’s be real: letting go is hard! It can be scary or overwhelming even. But when these feelings come up, we are really being invited to practice trust. Notice how I said practice. Usually, we don’t need to practice something if we have already mastered it…so if part of you is resisting the idea of trusting in the let go, return to the idea that this is a practice. How are you practice trusting in letting go? How are you trusting in the emptying out, the clearing, the releasing, in full faith that what is more aligned for you is coming your way?

  • A simple but profound contemplation around the new moon is “less is more”. It doesn’t always have to be so heady, either… it can be as simple as finally going through your clothes and donating or selling the pieces that you have been holding on to for too long, or dusting that book shelf that you know is mucking up the energy in your space. How can you embrace a less is more attitude?

  • If you are in a tough place, a place where you feel like you have lost a lot, or are grieving… the new moon is a moment to sit in the dark. Be with your feelings as much as you need to. If you feel empty, lean on a friend. Lean on you practice. And again, trust that everything is in cycles. Like the light of the moon is growing from this point on, so is the light within you.


Under the New Moon, I will sometimes write a short and specific message / prompt for you to contemplate.


How can I radically trust in the new? How can letting go be an act of optimism, rather than defeat? How can I embody a fresh perspective as I allow my life to shift for the better?


This New Moon has a different flavor than last month. Like the chilling air asks us to go inside, Scorpio energy also wants us to go within, and to go deeper and deeper. Are you feeling like something new is brewing for you in the void of this New Moon? How can you tune into deeply feeling to navigate this change, to make it more impactful on every level of your being? Change, big or small, often brings about big feelings. Let yourself feel them fully, and allow yourself to integrate. It could be really nice to journal about your feelings around, this, or to have a deep chat with a friend.


This lunation is hitting a lot of people intensely. In my world, it’s feeling really nice so far. I think the difference of how it lands for each of us might just depend on how open we are to a new chapter beginning in the way it needs to begin. Remember: whatever we resist will only persist. Practice stillness where you need to, and kindness wherever you can.


This New Moon is the last one of 2024. In the sturdy sign of Capricorn, known for it’s ability to ground in reality and draw lines in the sand we could take the invitation to draw healthy boundaries in our own lives. What could use more structure, not as a rigid limitation but rather as a way of supporting an open-hearted way of living life? This new moon being so close to the new year is a great time to set important, realistic goals towards our dreams.



I am thrilled and honored to bring you all this special New Moon Workshop! I have wanted to offer this to y'all from my heart for some time now. You can take this just before, right on, or shortly after any new moon as the new moon energy always lingers around for a few days. This is a full spectrum workshop where I spend a good amount of time sharing with you about the qualities of the new moon phase and how working in the lunar rhythm has changed my own life before we get into a gentle stretch, guided meditation, guided journaling, a releasing ritual, intention setting, a tarot card reading, and we close with a sweet moment of grounding. If you are feeling like you could use some fresh start energy, I can't recommend taking this workshop enough. For this workshop you will need: a cushion or a block or comfortable place to sit, comfortable clothes, a journal and pen, a fire safe container and water on hand, a bay leaf or scrap of paper, a lighter or matches, and a small tealight candle. Optional to use your own tarot cards if you have them. Enjoy this moment of pause, you are worth it.


If you'd like to play a playlist from another device during the New Moon workshop, I curated this one just for it.


You can see the reflection questions I mentioned in the workshop written out here.

I am so glad to be growing the collection of moon-related classes here on the yoga membership! Lunar living is an incredible way of grounding into the cycles of nature, and can help us feel more connected to the whole web of life. Join me for this 15 minute guided meditation, all around the energies of the new moon phase, the dark moon phase, the magic of the void.

The New Moon is always an excellent opportunity to release whatever is binding within us. I filmed this class on the New Moon in Aries, and it’s pretty special to practice within this weekend, but it can be done during any time you need a release, no matter what lunar cycle it currently is. Simple, restorative postures for all levels softening. Grab your pillows and props and let’s chill!

In this slow flow practice, we remember that slow does not necessarily mean passive or easy. While I teach in an all levels friendly way with modifications and support, I do offer some intermediate options to take poses deep for a juicy and complete stretch in the lower body (outer hips, glutes, hamstrings, and thighs) along with the spine. While it isn't specifically a New Moon class, I did happen to film this on a New Moon and it does have that kind of new beginning flavor to it. Let's make space in the body, release tension, and welcome new energy in. You will need a thick towel or blanket roll for some myofascial release, and two yoga blocks for practice. You might also want a wall to deepen one of the poses, but not necessary and can be done without.