New Moon Workshop

I am thrilled and honored to bring you all this special New Moon Workshop! I have wanted to offer this to y'all from my heart for some time now. You can take this just before, right on, or shortly after any new moon as the new moon energy always lingers around for a few days. This is a full spectrum workshop where I spend a good amount of time sharing with you about the qualities of the new moon phase and how working in the lunar rhythm has changed my own life before we get into a gentle stretch, guided meditation, guided journaling, a releasing ritual, intention setting, a tarot card reading, and we close with a sweet moment of grounding. If you are feeling like you could use some fresh start energy, I can't recommend taking this workshop enough. For this workshop you will need: a cushion or a block or comfortable place to sit, comfortable clothes, a journal and pen, a fire safe container and water on hand, a bay leaf or scrap of paper, a lighter or matches, and a small tealight candle. Optional to use your own tarot cards if you have them. Enjoy this moment of pause, you are worth it.

New Moon Workshop Playlist

Reflection / Journal Questions from Workshop:

  1. What is asking to be released at this time in your life? What are you ready to shed?

  2. What is an ACTION you can take to facilitate this release?

  3. Is there something you need to communicate to make this release happen? To yourself, or to another person? Maybe you can work that out a bit here.

  4. Looking forward at this new lunar cycle, who do you want to be? What values do you want to embody?

  5. In this newfound space, what do you want to let in that lives in line with your values?

  6. What is an ACTION you can take to facilitate this new energy cultivation? How can you take agency, one small step, towards this new way of being?

  7. How can you honor your many facets and phases more? How can you carve out more time for rest and reflection? How can you declare yourself as worthy of pause?