J O U R N A L + R E F L E C T I O N P R O M P T S
The Winter season is always an invitation to slow down and go inward. If you are feeling tired, low-energy, introverted, and needing more down time: there is nothing wrong! If yoga is about learning how to live in sync with the rhythms of nature, then we can start our practice with being kind to ourselves if we are feeling this way. I view winter as a time to lean into the slow, sleepy quality. A time to ground and hunker down, and in that grounded little burrow, we can dream up what is ready to be planted come Spring. I also think Winter is an excellent time to set healthy, nourishing, and warming habits for the body and spirit.
Here are some reflection prompts for you to come back to through the Winter season:
In what ways is my body asking me to slow down? How can I respect that ask?
Is my plate too full for the slowness this season asks for? Am I feeling overwhelmed? Is there anything I can set aside or de-prioritize to make more room for restoration?
In my deep rest, what am I dreaming of in the sunnier days to come? Before I can take action, I need time to dream and envision.
How is the quality of Winter different from the quality of Autumn? What is shifting inside of you?
What beauty can I witness in the season of chill, snow, and ice? What shines brightest in the darkest days?
H A P P Y S P R I N G E Q U I N O X !
Whether you are visiting this page on the Equinox proper, or within the first couple weeks of Spring beginning really does not make much of a difference. The first couple of weeks of a new season is a time I always view as a slow sinking into a new type of energy. In other words: it’s not too late to set some new intentions for this time of year.
Every season of the year has so much to teach us. Here in the Northern hemisphere, the Spring equinox holds promise that brighter days are to come. But before we rush towards those brighter days, there is much to learn from this precise moment of the equinox. This day where light and dark hold equal weight; one of two days of the year when night and day are equal length.
Here are some reflection prompts for both the equinox specifically, and springtime in general:
On this day of equal light and dark, how can we also hold our light and our darkness equally? How can we honor both the bright parts of our spirit, and our struggles under the surface, as equally important aspects of who we are?
As we walk towards brighter days, how can we acknowledge and honor everything the dark quiet of winter has gifted us?
What seeds did you plant 6 month ago, around the Autumn equinox? What is starting to bloom in the garden of your life?
In what ways have you found balance in your life in the last 6 months or even the last year? In what ways have you maybe fallen off balance and could use some re-centering?
As Springtime is bringing new life forth, what new life are you feeling bubbling inside of you? In what areas of your life are you feeling lit-up, energized, and ready to seize fully?
H A P P Y S U M M E R S O L S T I C E !
On this longest day and shortest night of the year, we celebrate the emergence into SUMMER! I love Summer. It’s tied for my favorite season with Autumn. I love the sun and all that it invites: play, simple pleasures, being outdoors, natural beauty, and welcoming in radiance.
Here are some reflection prompts for the Summer Solstice, and summertime in general:
As the sun shines bright in the sky, in what ways are you also ready to shine bright and take up more space? Have you been shying away from being seen? Step into the sun! Declare you are worthy!
When I think of the energy of the sun, I think of generosity. The sun is the ultimate giver of life and vitality. Always shining on all living beings and providing us with all the light we need and more. In what ways can you embody the energy of the sun in the way of generosity in your own life?
What is shifting in your needs as the season shifts? What feels like balance to you now might feel really different than it did 3 or 6 months ago. Take a moment to pause and ask yourself if you are meeting your needs at this time, and if not, how can you meet them better?
The Summer Solstice marks the halfway point of the year (!!). Look back to your Winter Solstice or New Years resolutions / reflections / goals. Do these intentions you set half a year ago still resonate for you? Do you want to scrap those plans and start fresh? Or maybe you can pat yourself on the back and see how true you have stayed to these goals? No matter what, take a moment to appreciate how far you have come so far this year, while also believing in yourself to make the most of what the rest of the year has to offer you.
How can you invite more PLAY in your life?
Are you being sweet enough to yourself and others? Don’t let the increased firey energy of summertime burn you out or make you fried. Be kind. Drink some water, and share with those you love.
H A P P Y A U T U M N E Q U I N O X !
Whether you are visiting this page on the Equinox proper, or within the first couple weeks of Autumn beginning really does not make much of a difference. The first couple of weeks of a new season is a time I always view as a slow steep into a new type of energy. In other words: it’s not too late to set some new intentions for this time of year.
Some of you know, I was raised Jewish. For Jewish folks, this time of year is the New Year, called Rosh Hashanah (which was technically last week, just before the Equinox proper). This time of year has always felt like New Year to me. With new beginnings for many as the school year kicks off, some start new jobs, and the trees shed their layers to make space for new energy to come through. To embrace new, we gotta let go.
Here are some reflection prompts for you in these first precious weeks of chilly mornings:
As the trees shed their leaves, what are you inspired to shed? What are you ready to let fall to the ground?
How can what you are letting go of act as nutrients to feed what you are ready to begin in this new season of life?
How does it feel to walk outside and hear the crunching leaves under your feet? I highly suggest taking walks and looking outside to witness the effects of the natural shifts around you, and within you. Maybe take a walk and bring your journal with you, and just jot down anything that comes to mind. Maybe journal underneath a pretty tree :)
What feels different inside of you vs. in the middle of summer? How have your needs shifted? How has what you need to feel balanced and centered changed? The day of equinox is the day that we are in an equal balance of day and night, and this time of year can inspire us to contemplate what it is we need to feel balanced, too.
What helps you feel grounded this time of year? Make a list of these things, and you can return to this list anytime you need.
New prompt for Equinox 2024: How can you invite a more balanced approach to your life? One great journaling exercise for this is to make a few lists. Make one list about what there is “too much” of in your life, another list of what there is “not enough” of in your life, and a third list of small actions you can take to balance out these scales. It’s not about reaching a perfect balance, but more about taking the time to reflect and see how maybe you have changed and how your needs have changed in this time of nature’s transition into fall.