This page of classes is designed for the more seasoned practitioner, with classes to satisfy the inidviduals who are after deep strengthening and big opening. My intermediate and advanced classes typically offer less instruction on alignment in service of exploring deeper variations and postures, faster movements, stronger shapes, and deeper flexibility. You will also a notice a few “all levels” classes scattered throughout the page, as these classes have great opportunities to take it up a notch.
Keep in mind a few things that come in the territory of being an “advanced” practitioner:
Being experienced in practice means you should understand how to listen to your body’s signals. Never push past pain, and take your practice where it needs to go. This can include making your practice stronger, slower, faster than I suggest. This can even include adding poses I don’t even teach. Make this YOUR practice!
Most importantly: “advanced” yoga only starts with the body, and the real test of a dedicated practitioner comes off the mat and into your world. Being devoted to this practice means being devoted to the way you show up in your life, and in the way you treat those around you.