J O U R N A L + R E F L E C T I O N P R O M P T S
You can choose one, or as many prompts as you like below to get the reflective gears turning around the full moon. Feel no pressure to answer all of these questions - they are merely invitations, and to answer them all at once would probably be a bit much. I will be adding new prompts to this list periodically, so be sure to check back in from time to time.
Under the light of the full moon, everything is illuminated: both the joyous and the more challenging aspects of our lives. What is being illuminated for you at this time?
What do you wish to amplify under the powerful light of the full moon glow?
When the moon is full, we have an opportunity to pause and ask ourselves: what is full in my life right now? In what ways am I already abundant? We often have a lot more to be grateful for than we realize. Take a moment and make a list, like a brain dump, of all the fullness you have to be grateful for in your life.
How are your relationships helping your heart feel full and whole? This can be in reference to your relationship with friends, animals, family, or yourself. Maybe you have a friend you love so much, and maybe they’d feel full if you called them up and let them know how much they add to you world.
In what ways can we be proud of how far we have come? I like to think of the Full Moon as a time of harvest. Rather than asking for more or starting new chapters, it can be nice to reflect on how far you have already come on your journey. Have you made progress towards a long-term goal? Have you finally adopted that mindset that you’ve been trying to get going for years? Have you successfully kicked a sticky habit you knew wasn’t good for you? Have you simply shifted your perspective on something in your life? Take some time, be proud of yourself on your journey no matter what stage you are at!
In what ways are you overflowing? In honoring our fullness, we recognize we always have something to give - even if it is as small as a smile or a text to a friend to check in. Or maybe it’s something bigger, like volunteering at a charity, donating to an important cause, or standing up for something you believe in. When we truly see how full our lives and our hearts are, we see the desire in our beings to share, to give, and to help make this world a better place.
Under the Full Moon, I will sometimes write a short message / prompt for you to contemplate.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign, meaning it is an initiating force of action. Under this Full Moon, what are you ready to boldly step into? What actions are you willing to take in the name of who you are, and who you wish to be? If you find yourself getting lost in intense emotions (which can often happen when the moon is in a fire sign), come back to your body and a tangible action you can take. Aries is also the first sign of the Zodiac, which can inspire us to think about starting a new chapter fresh. How can you start this new cycle in an outlook that prioritizes fullness rather than lack?
What can be gained from fully leaning into the needs of the physical and emotional body? Has anything been hiding beneath the surface, waiting to be fully revealed or deeply felt? May this full moon guide us in full embrace of everything our hearts need to feel, heal, and everything our bodies need to thrive.
With the moon in Gemini, we are invited to reflect upon our relationships, and more specifically the way we communicate within them. The sun is currently in Sagittarius, which can be bold and quick, so it is good to try to take a few deep breaths and slow down before speaking. Take the time to pause and distill down what really needs to be said, and maybe weed out any explosive words that want to burst out. When the energy feels intense (which it certainly does in the world right now), it can be so helpful to remember that we all belong to each other. Speak to each other with kindness and love, even if something challenging needs to be said. This is not to say this full moon is going to be negatively charged. Gemini is also known to be a playful (and sometimes flirty) sign. Perhaps, with the fire of the sun in a fire sign to charge up, we can contemplate how play wants more space in our days right now. How can you express or communicate your need for play to yourself, or to a loved one who can help you access it?
It’s been a while since I felt a pull to leave you a full moon message, but this full moon feels especially loud. I don’t know about you, but I feel so much mental chatter right now! In yoga practice, we call this chitta vritti. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the main purposes of these practices is to ease the chitta vritti - also known as mental fluctuations or excessive brain chatter. Under this full moon, I am feeling the pull to clear mental clutter. To take extra time to meditate, to breathe. It also feels like a good full moon to literally de-clutter the home space, as Virgo is a sign that finds grounding in order. Just be careful to not get lost in Virgo perfectionism if you do choose to tidy!
I felt another very clear message come through with the energy of this full moon, so I thought I’d leave you another message here.
Do you feel the shift? A pull to orient towards balance, again? What feels like balance now vs what did it feel like six months ago? As we are celebrating the summer solstice - the longest day of the year - we are simultaneously embracing the moon in its fullest phase. There is potent energy to move through here. On one hand, the sun is entering the waters of Cancerian energy: prioritizing the nurturing, caring, deep feels, creativity, intuitive downloads, sensitivity as a craft, and holding space for one another. On the other hand, the moon is also what rules the sign of Cancer, and she is full and ripe in the sign of Capricorn: which asking us to tend to structures, discipline, goals, hard work, self worth, prioritization of what actually matters and ruthlessly clearing what does not, and honesty (perhaps, a bit of brutal honesty…)
When we reflect on these seemingly opposite energies, we can come to realize they actually deeply support one another. To recognize our self worth makes us better at holding space for others. To deeply feel our feelings helps us work in better integrity with our values. To be honest and realistic with our capacities helps us not fall into traps of people pleasing (TBH still working on that one ). Providing structure and boundaries can greatly enhance creativity.
We need both lunar + solar energy. Where have you been leaning more, and what needs a bit more of your attention to feel balanced again? For me, it’s a funny mix. I’ve been working quite a lot lately - but my work *is* holding space for others. So I guess I need a bit more lunar for myself, but while also stepping more in the sun and allowing myself to be recharged by the energy of play and joy.
Enter: the season of radiance. and so it is!
What are you calling in for this step into the season of summer? What are you amplifying under the light of the longest day and of the full moon?
No matter how hard times may be, how can you find pleasure in the re-building of solid ground? Under this full moon, I am being pulled to see what bounty rest can bring me. I am being called to prune my plants and make my bed with my fuzziest blankets. Turn down the volume of the outside world, find the earth beneath you, and give into your animal body’s needs as the days continue to shorten. From a rested and resourced place ask yourself: what do I have to offer to the world in this time? It doesn’t need to be big to be impactful. Every little bit of love counts - always, but now more than ever.
Metta Meditation is a type of meditation where we cultivate loving kindness towards ourselves, and slowly build that loving kindness outward towards all beings. This is a very powerful meditation technique to help us cultivate more empathy, collective care, a positive mindset, and has even been proven to reduce anxiety and generally improve mental health. While I love doing this type of meditation during the full moon, you can practice this meditation any time you feel you could amplify the power of love and kindness in your life.
I'm thrilled to be offering another full moon yoga practice for you all! Many of you know, lunar living is near and dear to my heart. Tune in to this all levels flow where we contemplate grounding our energy, and at the same time expanding our consciousness to see how full our lives really are. I'd consider this a savory flow where we move at a conscious pace. Not quite a slow flow, not quite as fast as a traditional vinyasa, somewhere between those worlds. We open up the whole body in a juuuuicy way. We close with a short guided meditation and savasana. Enjoy!
We start out this hour-long class with some intention setting, mudra, and breathwork in honor of the energy surrounding the full moon. How can we find abundance and fullness in what we already have? Roll out your yoga mat, grab a strap and maybe a couple blocks, and pop on some rose-colored glasses to view your body, your breath, your practice, and your life in a more beautiful way. The sequence is a juicy rinse for the hips, the shoulders, the legs, the spine... really, the whole body gets some love. After a full body slow vinyasa practice, we close with a collective savasana. All levels w/ modifications and opportunities to deepen.
This is an all-levels practice where we definitely build up some heat, all as an offering towards opening the heart space in integrity. I hope you enjoy this hour of heart expansion as much as I did!