25 min Quick, Intuitive & Strong: Advanced Asana Practice

This class is definitely something different than usual. This was a self-practice I recorded about a year ago, and I never intended to make a class out of it. But I realized, this could be a fun opportunity for my more “advanced” asana students to play! This is a short but very strong practice where we get to explore inversions, arm balances, deep flexibility, and backbends within a kind of weird and intuitive flow. I really do not cue much in the way of teaching you how to do these strong poses - but I have tons of other classes and pose tutorials for that! Since it is from a self-practice, you know... maybe it's not as polished as a typical class. Maybe I forgot to take the bind on one side of the lunge. But dang, it is a FUN class if you like getting upside down, playing on your hands, and bending backwards. If you wanna wiggle with me in all the ways, join me for this quick and dirty class. The only prop you’ll need is a wall.